The iChurch slogan, “A worship experience like no other.” couldn’t have been more spot on for iChurch-goer, Samuel Esan, a media professional and God-loving man. He came to South Africa searching for answers. He always knew that media was his domain, but still wanted to know why he was so passionately drawn to it. His visit to iChurch presented him with the answers. “I am not a religious person and having studied theology, I am so aware of God’s grace and giving us second chances in life. The concept behind the birth of iChurch is an answer to a sincere heart yearning. It is bridging the gap between my social and spiritual life,” remarked Samuel after the service. This is indeed where iChurch becomes relevant by reaching out to a people resident in cyberspace.

“This is an inspired, innovative style of worship. May God continue to bless this ministry” was one of the comments of the iChurch visitors. A young man from Newton Park had this to say: “The service was enjoyable and because of that I shall attend next week again.”

Trevor from Cape Town commented that it was his first experience with church on the big screen and was astounded by the level of service and the excellent presentation. iChurch seems to be appealing to its target group. It is truly a vision being established and boundaries being broken down.

The picture of a homeless man walking into a church service must have been seen countless times in films over the past few decades. In these times it is very rare indeed to see a homeless person entering a church on a Sunday morning, let alone an iChurch service. But on a cold and rainy Sunday morning this scene played out at an iChurch service at the Nu Metro cinema at the Boardwalk. A homeless man named, Piet, walked into a screening of iChurch and was moved by the message from Pastor Jerome Liberty. The worship music moved him to tears. He said that he came to Port Elizabeth 28 days ago from Pretoria, and that he lives on the streets. He found the professionalism and friendliness of the iChurch team to be very heartwarming and genuine. “As a homeless person, I know a fake smile and am used to being treated indifferently. I found the people of iChurch to be honest and very genuine,” said Piet as he enjoyed a cup of hot coffee served in the foyer.


Matthew 6 verse13 states, “and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Pastor Jerome Liberty’s message on the topic of temptation struck a chord with many of the audience members. They found the preceding video clip entitled “The marshmallow test,” humorous and thought-provoking. In his opening message pastor Liberty said that, “I believe every born-again believer at some time in his life has been tempted by the devil.” He spoke about the dangers and pitfalls of being led into temptation. He encouraged everyone to be alert and recognize the landmines the enemy places on their path. He blessed the audience with a truth from Proverbs 27 verse 12 that says, “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself, but the simple pass on, and are punished.” He said that his heart’s desire is that everyone keep their eyes on the prize of high calling, and not to ignore the alarms that God gave them through the Holy Spirit.


The freshness and innovativeness of iChurch was again the topic of discussion after the screening session. Audience members enjoyed coffee and livid conversations with ushers and members of the iChurch media team.

The comments from audience members were positive and encouraging. It seems that iChurch has indeed changed the perception of many on how the Word of God is being spread. “Church is really not about coming together in a building and praising God, but it is me being the church,” said Samuel from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

“It is my second time at iChurch, and I love it,” said Lelethu. Andre from a business in the vicinity said he enjoyed the praise and worship session because he felt close to God. Olwethu Bomvama, who came with a friend, said that iChurch enhanced the one-on-one experience between her and God. Second-time visitor, Sammy, wished the iChurch team well and said. “May God continue to bless your Ministry for the great work you are doing.”


We at iChurch once again express our heartfelt appreciation for the support from all who came to listen to the Word of God presented in a fresh and innovative way through technology.

Blessings from the iChurch team

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