Thanksgiving Celebration Service - 30 October 2011
In 1978 Jerome Liberty left Port Elizabeth for Johannesburg and has always believed that his stay was a season for equipping. The sacrifices made by pastors Jerome and Eunice Liberty, founders of Victory Ministries International, were not in vain. He returned in 2000 with a mandate to break the curse of poverty and change the spiritual climate over the city of Port Elizabeth.

On Sunday evening, 30 October 2011, Victory Ministries International (VMI), held a “Thanksgiving Celebration Service” to celebrate God's goodness and the new Worship Auditorium being built on the site where the first tent service was held in 2000.
The theme of the evening was based on an excerpt taken from the book of Matthew 16 verse 18 which says: “… and the gates of hell shall not prevail.” In pastor Jerome Liberty’s words, “For surely God has helped us to build a tabernacle of worship and a level of excellence that will touch thousands of lives!”

The welcoming and introduction of the guests was officiated by Mbulelo Ngewu. The celebration service opened with a powerful song and dance performance by the VMI Praise and Worship team. They performed with a new level of excellence and had the crowd on their feet from the first praise song “My God is good O,” to the very last worship song. Worship team leader, Jeremy Liberty delivered an emotional rendition of “Mutsutsuyane ho”.

The VMI Drama team performed a play based on actual events. It depicted the destruction of the tent in June 2002. During the performance, a large video screen displayed actual video footage taken on the day of the tent destruction. There were images of a billboard and chairs being blown into the streets, and electrical pipes and cables being crushed and damaged by falling poles. In the midst of all the chaos, the Apostle's voice arose in triumph, singing: “Our God reigns. . .” In the play we see how it angers the enemy and he unleashed his demons to attack the children of God. The pastor’s character in the play is heard saying that it looks like the devil has the upper hand. However the devil’s victory was short-lived because God’s mighty voice rose: “Do not look around in fear. I will make you crush them. I will bring your sons and daughters from the ends of the earth to claim victory in my name.” The inspirational song “Upon this rock I will build my kingdom” started to play. The enemy and his demons started to flee in seven directions and the children of God rejoiced. Today the new Worship Auditorium will stand as a beacon that embodies the bold words from Matthew 16 verse 18 declaring: “… and the gates of hell shall not prevail.

The gifted Revolution dance team delivered a stunning opening dance performance that had the crowd responding spontaneously to the music of “Do you want a revolution?“ Other performers on the night were an Acapella group from Uitenhage and Jean-Mikyle Roos, a young man who penned the poignant “Genoeg is genoeg” rap song as part of the Enough is Enough campaign, which is a partnership between VMI and the South African Police Services. Jean performed his own song “I will build my church”.

Francois Simons introduced the visionary couple, Pastors Jerome and Eunice Liberty. Pastor Eunice gave praise and thanks to God for her husband and pastor, Jerome. She thanked God for the vision He gave him and for everything he has done for Victory Ministries International. Pastor Eunice remarked that it is biblical to give honour where honour is due. She thanked him for always listening to the call of the Lord. “Thank you for the labour in the Lord. I pray God will give you strength to run this race, and that every single prophecy spoken over you to be fulfilled. We pledge to pray for you so you may continue to produce, endure in the face of tribulation and that you will stand,” she prayed.

Pastor Jerome thanked those who has opened their hearts and committed themselves in an unselfish manner to the church. “I have a list with hundreds of names of people that I would like to thank. I also want to thank someone very special, my dad Graham Liberty.” Pastor Jerome then sang “Look for me for I will be there” in honour of his late dad. Pastor Jerome thanked his wife, children and family for their love and support.
He saluted Louis Louw, his trusted advisor on everything from engineering, architecture,  construction, and project management. He thanked business and all end-time financiers including Dr. Walter Henderson and his wife, Joycelyn from the Berean Family Worship Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Pastor Jerome acknowledged the support of Bishop Basil Tryon, Neville Goldman and Andre Roebert of the River church in East London. Pastors and businessmen were given an opportunity to sow a seed and thereafter the rest of the church sowed their seed.

A video depicting the history of the church from Restoration 2000 to the groundbreaking ceremony for the New Worship Auditorium was played to a roaring applause from the crowd. Another video with testimonies from Celestine Abrahams, Patricia Arnolds and Zimkita’s mom was played. Celestine was miraculously healed after a car accident. Pastor Jerome visited and prayed for her in hospital. Patricia was raped at a young age and blamed herself and ultimately became a drug addict. She attended a service in Uitenhage where Pastor Jerome was ministering. She remembered he said that only the blood of Jesus can cleanse you. She wanted that blood to cleanse and heal her. Today she is an integral part of the Enough is Enough campaign that visits schools and help children affected by drugs, alcoholism, gangsterism and crime. Zimkita’s mom was invited to church by her daughter. She was an alcoholic and started attending home cell gatherings in the township. Today she is a student at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

Pastor Jerome Liberty concluded the evening with his message: “The gates of hell shall not prevail.” Jesus had to ask his disciples, as individuals, what they believed about Him. In the book of Matthew 16 we read about Peter proclaiming Jesus as Messiah. Matthew 16 verse 13: “When Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist,* others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter said in reply, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

You will never know who you are unless or until you know who Christ is. After Peter’s confession Jesus said to him in reply (Matthew 16 verse 17-18), “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”


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