Pastor Eunice, we just want to tell you that you’re special. Wishing you all the joys of a wonderful 50th birthday!

You are a vessel of gold, a vessel of honour. “Drinks were served in golden goblets of many designs, and there was an abundance of royal wine, reflecting the king’s generosity.” (Esther 1:7 NLT)

We have enjoyed a banquet over the years through your tireless efforts and your unfailing love for the Father. We believe that this is the season for your exclusive banquet; that you enjoy an entire year of festival, a year of liberty.

Thank you for modeling God’s Word to us, for you “…let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”
Our prayer is that you keep on touching lives, beyond the boundaries of Victory Ministries; we pray that God may open doors of utterance in far off nations. You inspire the Church in many ways and one can only marvel at God’s love displayed through you.

We thank the Lord that you enjoy exceptional good health, favor, increase in wisdom and that you abound in all goodness.
May every day of the rest of this year be an opportunity of celebrating God.

Your husband, Jerome (Pastor), and the VMI family.

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