The Apostle Paul said that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of a fleshly or earthly nature), but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds" (2 Cor. 10:4)

“Having grown up in Liebenberg Road and staying at 3 Stag Street, Helenvale after school and being schooled at Bayview Primary School, I always believed that Helenvale was an uncut diamond, waiting to be discovered by the nations of the world.” – Pastor Jerome Liberty

The Helenvale Peace Initiative is a collaborative effort between the SAPS and Victory Ministries International.

A five-year-plan is being developed, during which period several initiatives will be undertaken to give Helenvale and the community a “facelift”. This initiative marks the beginning of a three month drive, with the objective of winning the trust of the different role players in the Helenvale community. The whole process entails the unearthing of the spiritual history of Helenvale, the spiritual strongman and every root of ungodliness prevalent in this area. Research will also be conducted in order to deal best with the socio-economic challenges experienced by the Helenvale-community. An album of the NOW and AFTER will be developed; spanning the five year period.

A line is being drawn against all types of crime; amongst others, murder, rape, drug abuse and drug trafficking. The initiative is to restore order and to add value to Helenvale and it’s surroundings. What is about to transpire in Helenvale will be a milestone that will plot a chapter in history; of a once hopeless community that has been restored in dignity, self-worth and in heritage.

The relevant stakeholders, school principals, the clergy and pastors, the SAPS and various interest groups, have been drawn into several meetings in order to come up with strategies to impact Helenvale.

The Helenvale Peace Initiative is one of the first peaceful demonstrations to be held against crime that is prevalent in the area. “NO” will be promoted as a positive message - applying Focault’s theory of taking advantage of “power from the bottom” - believing that the people can do it themselves.

The community says: “NO to vandalism, drugs, rape, crime, gangsters, stolen goods, guns and pornography!” Watch this spot for more news on this intervention of restoring God’s peace and the fear of the Lord.

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