The 50th birthday celebration for Pastor Jerome Liberty, founder of Victory Ministries International (VMI) was held in Greenbushes, Port Elizabeth on the evening of Friday, 20 August 2010. We could not have asked for a more perfect day to celebrate our spiritual father’s 50th birthday. It was a black-tie event with selected guests arriving in their best attire. The venue was beautifully draped and the tables looked stunning with art work and candles.

An orchestra played famous classical music pieces while guests mingled and dined. Pastor Jerome and his wife, Pastor Eunice looked amazing in the outfits and was joined at the main table by Bishop Harry Jackson of Hope Christian Church in Maryland, USA and the overseer of the VMI Church in Port Elizabeth. He was flanked by Dr Walter Henderson III and his wife Dr Joycelyn Henderson. The Henderson’s are founders of the Berean Family Worship Center (BFWC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the USA.

Speeches by Pastor Jerome’s children Janice and Jeremy was very moving and humorous as well. One could see the respect for him in his children and the speakers who spoke about their relationships with Pastor Jerome Liberty. He is indeed making an impact in the nation of South Africa and internationally. This sought after conference speaker brought a message of hope and breakthrough to the audience during his birthday speech. Everyone was astounded when he sowed into the lives of two of his employees. Ordinary people don’t give on their birthday, but Pastor Jerome proved again his belief in the principle of sowing and reaping. He delivered a message of faith and hope to possess all that God had intended for His people. The evening was wrapped up with dinner being served and music for every taste playing in the background.

We salute this man of God and wish that he enjoys many years of good health and victories for God’s Kingdom.

Take a look at the images from the event on this page.

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